In the enchanting world of cinema, every now and then, a movie comes along that touches our hearts, captivates our imagination, and leaves a lasting impression. "Luck," released in 2022, is undeniably one of those films. With its unique concept and heartwarming storyline, it has garnered immense praise from viewers worldwide. In this article, I will explore the profound lessons it imparts and the emotions it evokes. At the core of "Luck" lies a beautifully woven tale of a girl who has seemingly been plagued by bad luck throughout her life. As viewers, we are invited to accompany her on a journey that begins with a serendipitous encounter—a lucky penny. This seemingly insignificant token becomes a catalyst for a remarkable transformation, both within the girl's life and in my perception of luck itself. In her pursuit of the lucky penny, our protagonist stumbles upon a startling revelation—the penny belongs to a black cat she had generously fed her panini to. To...
The Awakening | Zodiac Academy Series written by Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti | A Book Review
Alright, here I am, sharing my thoughts on the first book The Awakening from Zodiac Academy series written by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti . I decided to start reviewing this series as it falls under the 'enemies to lovers ' and 'bullies romance' genres, which are right up my alley. I'm a sucker for this type of book and I am always on the hunt for such books. Someone made a video of this book on TikTok and I was like I had to read it. So, I began reading the book and I fell into a rabbit hole of Magic Academy, hot assholes, and alternative Fae world. It felt like diving into a more mature version of Harry Potter. Needless to say, I absolutely loved this first installment. GENRE Bully Paranormal Romance THEME AND TONE Mystery, Drama, Action LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to Read CHARACTERS Growing and Changing characters TROPES ☙ Bully Romance ☙ Insane Chemistry ☙ Lost Princesses ☙ Multiple Love Interests ☙ Teacher Student Romance ☙ Hate to Hate and ...