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Unpacking the Wonders of Skylight written by Patchree Jones - A Middlegrade Must-Read

Skylight is written by Patchree Jones. I got this arc from Netgalley. I requested the book solely because of the cover. Can you see's sooo beautiful and whimsy. The colors and the artwork are amazing. But when I started reading the book it took me back to my childhood when my father used to bring me this kid's magazine Naunehal (very popular in my country). There used to be some amazing epic high fantasy stories in the magazine and this book reminded me of those stories. I am very thankful to both Netgalley and Patchree for allowing me to read this amazing book. Here is the Goodreads description of this book;
For fans of ARU SHAH and Hayao Miyazaki's LAPUTA, CASTLE IN THE SKY, this middle-grade novel welcomes you to an immersive Thai fantasy where twelve-year-old best friends, Sofia and Cara, explore the boundaries of family, friendship, and how to be strong in a world that wants to use you.
Five-foot-eight and only in the seventh grade, Sofia Luana is used to being bullied in her Colorado school. After her parents suddenly decide to move to California, Sofia's only hope is her best friend, Cara Felicity, who says her family's moving to California, too.
On their plane ride halfway across the country, Sofia and Cara see a magical door in the clouds. The girls soon find themselves in a new land filled with a shapeshifting octopus, winged warriors, and the exiled sorceress, Muet, starting a war to take the throne.
With her best friend, Sofia must learn to embrace her royal lineage, figure out who can be trusted, and find the courage to make her own decisions to end the war else Muet and her Night Army will extinguish Sofia's skylight forever.
High Fantasy, Middle-grade Book
Theme and Tone
Language and Writing Style
Easy to read
Likable and multilayered character
High Fantasy Magical World
Different Worlds
Family Mystery
Villians with positive elements
My Review
When I started reading the book I did not know that it was a middle-grade book. After about 2 chapters I realized it 😂. But I did not stop reading it because it was interesting. I loved the vibe and kept reading. I wanted to know about the story of Sophia a long-lost princess from another world who is kidnapped back into her world and trying to adjust to the changes.

She has a kickass best friend and there is also a mystery around her past which is revealed later in the book. Sophia also develops some powers when she goes back to her world. so now she is trying to train and learn whenever she can about the world and her powers.

There are two villains present in the book. But they do not seem like evil villains. Muet and Plaek. Plaek I liked it more. He is so innocent and his thinking process is so childlike. All he wants is to be cherished and loved and Muet in her own twisted way cares about him but does not love him as she should.

The ending has somewhat of a cliffhanger. there has to be more of the story. I really hope the story continues. I would love to see the story of both princesses and Muet progress further. On the whole, the book is very well-written with no plot holes no discrepancies, or anything out of context. I also loved the vibe. If you are trying your kids to get into the reading habit you should definitely start with this one.

My Rating

Overall: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Plot: ★★★★★ | 5 Stars
Characters: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Ending: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Fun: ★★★★★| 5 Stars
Bookcover:★★★★★ | 5 Stars ❤
The Best Part:
Other worlds and Unique powers of the Royal Family
Plaek and his inner monologue
The past, secrets, and the family drama
The Worst Part:
Best Character
Plaek ❤
Worst Character

Happy Reading!!

❤ 🎧☕️🕯️📖 ❤