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Showing posts from February, 2024

Welcome to the Dark Side Book 2 of The Fallen Men series by Giana Darling | A Book Review

I found this book accidentally ... totally by chance....when I was searching for books with a disability rep. And I am so happy that I found it. This book covers some taboo topics that might make some people uncomfortable but I like to read taboo topics so here I am reviewing this book. This book is mild compared to dark romance stuff...but it is spicy with an amazing plot. And it covers one of my favorite tropes......Fated soulmates and a disability trope... so, get right to the review.  Welcome to the Dark Side is the second book in the Fallen Men series written by Giana Darling   Here is a brief synopsis of the book. I was a good girl. I ate my vegetables, volunteered at the local autism center, and sat in the front pew of church every Sunday. Then, I got cancer. What the hell kind of reward was that for a boring life well lived? I was a seventeen-year-old paradigm of virtue and I was tired of it. So, when I finally ran into the man I'd been writing to since he saved my life a

A Cursed Love Myths of Airren Book 3 written by Jenny Hickman | A Book Review

***This is a review of an ARC sample audiobook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*** I did not want to finish this book. I started listening to this audiobook in January and February is about to end. The world of  Airren  is so amazing plus the characters were so fun that I wanted to listen to them bicker again and again.  A Cursed Love is the third book in the series of  Myths of Airren  written by  Jenny Hickman .  This book focused on the 4 characters from the past books.  Tadhg and Keelynn,  Aveen and Rían  plus one pooka named Ruairi. The story revolves around these silly amazing characters and their struggles for their love and relationships then the blight that is ravaging their lands and last but not least the looming threat of the phantom Queen who is after them all. Here is a brief synopsis of the book; Meanwhile, Aveen and Rían grapple with personal demons and the vengeance of the Phantom Queen, leaving peace elusive. The fall of the Princes of Tearmann is inev

My Review of Gold Book 5 of the Plated Prisoner Series written by Raven Kennedy

I am having a mixed feeling right now. I just finished reading this 5th book in the series and I am......well, I don't know what I feel. This book was an emotional rollercoaster. It made me feel things.....things I have long forgotten....things people write books about.....I am rambling again but this is my mental state at this point....this is all due to Raven Kennedy and her books. I found this book series from booktok last year. It was not very popular but someone recommended reading it and when I read the series......omg 🤌🤌. The book is a retelling of King Midas and his golden touch but there is a twist in this book.....King Midas is a fraud in this book and he is keeping a girl prisoner who has the golden touch.   Here is the synopsis;  "Find me in another life. Find me in them all." Every end is also a beginning. I thought I was going to die, and would have if it weren’t for Slade. The only way he could save me was to open a rip between worlds. The only way for me

Dirty Blood Series Book 2 | A Review of Bite the Terror that feeds written by Penelope Barsetti

***Thank you to NetGalley, Penelope Barsetti, and Dreamscape Media for sending me the audiobook to review.** *   This is the review of  Bite the Terror that Feeds  written by  Penelope Barsetti . I got the audiobook from Netgalley.  Upon reading the last book I wanted to know the story of Larissa and Kindsnake but I got a surprise in this book. This book introduced a second lead couple which is more interesting than the main couple. They are much more fun plus the plot thickens in the world of Vampires and Ethereals.  Here is a brief synopsis of the book;  He gave me his word—and he broke it. Kingsnake promised me he would let me go once he found the cure, but he’s known this entire time and never once shared it with me. And now that I know the truth, that there is no cure, he still won’t let me go. Now I’m his prisoner once again. He asks to feed from me several times, but I refuse all his advances. If he wants my blood, he’ll have to force it from me. He comes to my bedchambers to sp

Self Destructive Habits you should avoid if you want to live a happy healthy life

Staying happy is an art in itself. We encounter many people in our lives who are not ever happy and who don't know how to be happy. and then there is another set of people who are happy even though their life keeps knocking them down consistently. I have a lot of such people in my life who are happy in every kind of situation. Happiness comes to those who know how to appreciate what they have, not those who just never acknowledge what they have.  If you want to stay and be happy you should avoid these stupid and unhealthy habits that I learned over the years from experience and  people close to me. 1. Stop Complaining.. It's okay to complain once in a while when you are fed up with your life but people who just complain over everything even the good things should check themselves. Try to think positive...try to think good in any situation and circumstances..try to appreciate the good around you..try to celebrate what you have rather than complaining about what you don't hav

How I imagined the characters of Caraval | Fan Art created by Me.

If you have read Caraval series you would know about Tella, Legend, Julian and Scarlet. I absolutely fell in love with these characters. I am currently reading Finale; third book in the series. and between the gap I though why not try my hand in crafting these characters as I pictured them in my head. So I used various drawing tools and softwares to create something as similar to as I pictured. So here is my fan art of these characters. Do tell what you think about it.  Donatella Dragna   Legend Julian Santos Scarlet Dragna Let's see when I will be able to compete it. I post my art content here on Instagram: @thequillcanvas .   Happy Reading!! ❤ 🎧☕️🕯️📖 ❤    

Dirty Blood Series Book 1 of Bite the woman that feeds written by Penelope Barsetti | A Book Review

This is the review of  Bite the woman that feeds  written by  Penelope Barsetti . I got the audiobook of second and third book  from Netgalley.  I was also hearing a lot of good things about this book on  Tiktok . Some of my fellow booktokers recommended it. This book is a Vampire fantasy paranormal Romance so yeah I had to read it. Vampire Romance is ðŸ’“. So I decided to read the first one. Here is the brief synopsis of the book;  In a kingdom ravaged by an incurable sickness, Larissa stand immune, tending to the sick and dying. Betrayed by the newly crowned king, who reneges on their betrothal due to his station's demands, she faces a new horror as the vampire King, Kingsnake, who demands my sacrifice in exchange for sparing our people. Despite my loathing for him, she become his captive, only to discover a startling shift in his demeanor when he tastes her blood—his desire for her overwhelms even her past love. Though she resist the notion of intimacy with a vampire, Kingsnake pr