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Dark Academia Books I want to read in 2024

Everyone likes the Dark Academia genre. The dark halls of great dark building and a forest outside of the school, the big gate. The dangerous world outside and inside of the halls and a big library to get lost in. A mysterious and secretive atmosphere and something sinister going around, some mystery to be solved........... I love this genre. I am not among those readers who usually plan ahead what to read next week, next month, or next year. I am more of a mood reader but also recently made changes in my reading schedule. So why not pick some amazing books to read this year? I will start with Dark Academia. I read some of the books of this genre last year because of the hype..... one is The Coven, which was an amazing story but I have some really serious concerns after reading it (you can read the review here) and then there was Plug and Claim by Darcy Fayton which was really good; too much steamy but a great plot. I loved can read its review here.

So now this year I want to read some good Dark Academic books....a book that will take me to another amazing reality. not the reality where I have to see the main character sleep and fall in love with Satan as in's disgusting and I am not into that kind of stuff....that stuff is questionable on so many levels. Okay forget about it let's search for some good Dark academic books. Here I curated a list that I will be reading this year...

A study in Drowning
This has been in my tbr for so long. I heard so many good things about this book. Here is the synopsis of the book;
Effy Sayre, a believer in fairy tales haunted by visions of the Fairy King since childhood, finds solace in her worn copy of Angharad, an epic by Emrys Myrddin. When a contest to redesign Myrddin's estate is announced, Effy feels it's her destiny. However, Hiraeth Manor proves daunting, and its inhabitants, including literature scholar Preston Héloury, are unwelcoming. As they unravel Myrddin's legacy, they face both mortal and magical opposition, risking ruin in pursuit of the truth.

Oh wow...this is so good. I want to read it first. It looks promising.  and look at the book cover.... I am so in love with it.

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Leigh Bardugo is one of my favorite Authors. I would read anything written by this author. This book is also quite popular in reading circles with an average rating of 4.03 on Goodreads. so Let's see what the story is about.

The story of Alex Stern, an unlikely Yale freshman from a troubled background, survives a tragic incident and is offered a full scholarship to the prestigious university. Tasked with monitoring Yale's secretive societies, she delves into their occult activities, uncovering sinister truths beyond imagination.

Oh, it looks promising too with a setting in the contemporary world. I am sensing conspiracy theories becoming a reality here. I will be reading it soon.

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
This book I all over my Instagram and I added it to my TBR last month.  I am hearing good things about of my TikTok friends reviewed it recently and she is in love with the story. So I will be reading it soon. I love the cover art beautiful...I am sensing the FMC is going to be a badass. Let's read the synopsis.
After her mother's death, sixteen-year-old Bree Matthews seeks escape at a program for high schoolers at UNC–Chapel Hill. However, her plans are disrupted when she witnesses a magical attack on campus, unveiling a hidden world of "Legendborn" students who battle demons. Bree's own dormant magic awakens, leading her to uncover secrets about her mother's death and the society's true nature. Teaming up with Nick, a disillusioned Legendborn, Bree delves deeper into the society's mysteries, facing a choice between seeking the truth and joining the impending magical war.

Well, this is amazing....magical fantasy and an academy...what more to ask.

Plug and Tame by Darcy Fayton
Oh, the first part of this book was amazing....too much steamy but with a great plot. The first book ended at the biggest cliffhanger of all time and I cannot wait to continue the story. This book ahs so many favorite tropes like; enemies to lovers, sleeping with the enemy, dark academia, and a sinister mystery in the backdrop.....For those who haven't read the first book (it's review is here), let's read the synopsis;

Kira's view of Vampire Prince Nathaniel changes drastically when she discovers his dark scheme. She escapes the academy, aiming to break free from Nathaniel and his evil father. However, Nathaniel refuses to let her go, with grand plans for her leadership and a determination to exert control over her every step.

The Starless Sea  Erin Morgenstern
I am also a fan of The Night Circus so ofcourse I had plans of reading this book. This book has an amazing storyline...check it out;
From the author of The Night Circus comes a tale of love set in an underground world of pirates, painters, and secrets. Zachary, a grad student, stumbles upon a mysterious book that holds stories from his past. As he delves deeper, he uncovers clues leading to a hidden library beneath New York. Joined by Mirabel and Dorian, Zachary navigates this magical realm, discovering his purpose along the way.

Well you know.....this book seems to have everything.  I am going to read it this year.

So I just selected only five books in the Dark Academia genre because I don't want to set myself up for failure by selecting lots of books. I will be reading them and will curate another list in the same genre. But I am also going to be curating a list of books in other genres so stay tuned to this blog and follow my social media accounts for more updates on book-related stuff.

Happy Reading!!

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