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Showing posts from January, 2024

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros | A Review!!

So I finished reading Fourth Wing. Because of all the hype on my TikTok Feed, I was persuaded to buy it. It took me some time but finally, I finished reading it and I have things to say. For those who have no idea what this book is about I will give a brief intro. It's the story of Violet who goes into War College to train to become a dragon rider. The Empire is at war on so many fronts and they constantly need soldiers and riders so they recruit a lot of young people and make them go through brutal training to make them ruthless killers. There was some controversy surrounding Rebecca Yarros due to her support in the latest genocide but she posted on Instagram that she is against war of any form. Personally, I wouldn't support an author who blatantly comes out and supports the side that is ruthlessly killing children. But I would say these authors and celebrities choosing the wrong side don't know any better. I am here to do an honest review of the book I read and I am not

Natalie Gibson's The Last Immortal – A Rollercoaster of Intrigue and Mystery set in Victorian London

***This is a review of an ARC sample from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*** Another one of my Netgalley reads. It took so long for me to get back to properly writing reviews of my NetGalley reads. I would like to thank The Author  Natalie Gibson   and Netgalley for this book. This book is historical fiction set in the Victorian era. It's about a girl who murders her parents and doesn't remember any of it. She is admitted to a mental asylum. She makes some friends there and murders some people and is then rescued by a guy named Julian. The story starts after that. Its a world of Incola and Carriers. they are supernatural people who can ride and jump to another body. She found she is a carrier and very sought-after one; the rest is history. GENRE Historical Fiction THEME AND TONE Mysterious LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to Read CHARACTERS Morally Grey Characters TROPES ☙ Powers ☙ Victorian Era ☙ Triggering situations ☙ Memory Loss ☙ Two people living in one body ☙ 

Queen of Shadows | A Review of Book 4 in Throne of Glass series

The fifth book in the series is Queen of Shadows. Amazing and exhilarating. I was on an emotional rollercoaster while reading this book. I was completely sad to let Celaena go but that has to be the story. Things need to move forward. It was amazing how Celaena finally accepted her destiny. Celaena is the ultimate dream... strong, confident, sassy, and just ❤. Although there are many plotlines in this book which has made some readers overwhelmed and confused. But for me it was epic. On the whole, this book was Fire. GENRE High Fantasy, Young adult THEME AND TONE Adventurous, Mystery LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to Read CHARACTERS Multilayered Complex Swoon-worthy Characters TROPES ☙ High Fantasy Magical World ☙  Enemies to Friends (sort of) ☙ Fighting your inner power and inner demons ☙ Emotional and Physical Scars ☙  Alpha hero and extra Alpha heroine ☙ The Evil King ☙ Magic ☙ Ancient Prophecies coming to life MY REVIEW Okay so in the last book, Aelin is finally coming back to Eril

Heartbreakingly beautiful story surrounding Folklore and Legends | A Review of The Bride of Death written by F.M. Aden

***This is a review of an ARC sample from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*** The Bride of Death is written by F.M. Aden . I thank Netgalley and the author for letting me read this arc. This is beautifully written, incorporating various legends, myths, and folktales. The story takes place in a faraway village in Turkey I guess because a lot of terms used in the book are Turkish. The main legend of the story is Erlik Khan. I am going to do another blog post about this myth. It's a  mythical figure in Turkic Mythology referred to as the Lord of the Underworld. Anyway, this book surrounds his legend and a girl from a small village who had a magic of light. This girl named Zerryn captures the eye of Erlik Khan and he kind of blackmails her to participate in three extremely difficult trials or tasks for his hand in marriage. Yes...he manipulated her like that.....even she hated him. GENRE Mythical, Folklore, Fantasy THEME AND TONE The book was written very beautifully. The au

Unbroken Bonds by J. Bree | The last book from bonds that tie series | A Review

So I have finally finished reading the last book from the Bonds that Tie series. I used to be so fast in finishing series but I got stuck in this one because of work and other things. So now here I am reviewing the last book in the series. The book was an okay conclusion to this series. For those who have yet to read it; it's a reverse harem series focusing on Oleander and her bonds. She has six bonds.. They live in a fictional world with great god bonds who possess people from a magical community. GENRE RH Fantasy THEME AND TONE It was okay LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to read  CHARACTERS Well crafted awesome characters TROPES ☙ RH  ☙ Magic and Powers ☙ Powerful Evil Entities MY REVIEW This is an okay-ish conclusion to the series. Everyone sorted out their problems. Oleander and her bonds finally defeat the god bonds and finish them permanently. Now they want to enjoy their relationship and vacation. The story and the plot were okay.....I mean it was good. To think it has to be

Love, Danger, and Suspense | Turn to Me by Tiffany Snow

This is the second book in the Kathleen Turner series. This second book has that cozy murder mystery vibe with a  touch of sinister. I read and re-read this book so many times that now I remember everything from the book makes me feel like I just read it yesterday.  So in this book, Bane and Kathleen are dating and going on dinners and doing stuff together. One afternoon they went Christmas tree shopping and someone started shooting at them. Bane gets scared for Kathleen because she is now receiving little letters of threats. Bane calls Kade (his brother) to come and play bodyguard for Kathleen because he is busy fighting this hot shot case of a navy seal. Long story short, someone was targeting people related to the case which makes Kathleen a super target because she is close to Kirk (Blane Kirk) who is defending a seal. Kade comes to town but things happen and Kathleen gets herself in more trouble than she can handle. She is threatened, kidnapped at gunpoint, and left to die in an a

Beyond the Hype | A Disappointed Reader's Perspective on 'The Coven' by Harper L. Woods

I just finished listening to the audiobook of The Coven written by  Harper L. Woods.  I started this book because some of my booktok friends read it and recommended it. I got the vibe this is going to be a cute cosy witchy book. I did not know about this author's writing style although her other book What Lies Beyond the Veil has been in my TBR for quite some time. Okay, I read it and It was great in the start and the middle but in the end the end (particularly the last 2 chapters) disappointed me to no end. I will be short and brief in this review.  I want to talk about it and I do not want to talk about mind is a mess at this point. I always always give books a chance but some books are destined to make me sad and mad at the world. The story is about a girl who is a witch and has great powers her mother just died and she just got discovered by the coven and her great ancestor and they invited her to join the witch school to train and work on her magic. Oh, it so

Jenny Hickman's 'A Cursed Kiss': A Love Story Wrapped in Magic and Curses - Are You Up for the Ride?

I started reading this book because of the audiobook of the third in the Myths of Airren series written by Jenny Hickman . I got the audiobook from Netgalley and wanted to read the first book first. This book was really amazing.  GENRE Romantasy, Fantasy THEME AND TONE The tone is quite beautiful. The start of the book was gripping. I started reading it and couldn't put it down. LANGUAGE AND WRITING STYLE Easy to read  CHARACTERS Mysterious, Morally grey MMC Goody two shoes FMC (not that good but she was a good girl with her own standards of morality) TROPES ☙ Our Hero is Morally grey and he is just ❤😅 ☙ Enemies to Lovers ☙ Magical  Curses ☙ Magical  beings and Species. ☙ Forced Proximity ☙ Slow Burn ☙ FMC is on a quest to save her sister MY REVIEW Okay SO started reading this book in the last week of December and I got sidetracked by work and other duties. I resumed it this week and got right into this beautiful magical world. The world-building was not very deep in the book but